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We noticed you're an AdSense publisher. Were you trying to log in to your AdSense account instead? While you're here, why not learn how you can enhance your business with Google AdWords, the search advertising program that helps you: Expand your marketing presence. With AdWords, you can get the attention of people entering over two hundred million search queries per day. Get qualified leads. Your ads appear when people search for keywords you choose for your business. You're reaching an audience already interested in what you have to offer. Earn more. With AdSense, you make money when people click your site's Google ads. Imagine the additional revenue you can earn through AdWords. Keep your costs down. Relevant AdWords ads get better placement. If your ads are targeted, you can enjoy the most visible positions without necessarily paying more. Focus on your business outside of advertising. Create your ads. Set your budget. Activate your account. Then let AdWords bring new customers to you. Ready to get started with your Google AdWords account?

Google AdSense matches ads to your site's content, and you earn money whenever your visitors click on them.
AdSense for content automatically crawls the content of your pages and delivers ads (you can choose both text or image ads) that are relevant to your audience and your site content—ads so well-matched, in fact, that your readers will actually find them useful.
AdSense for search allows website publishers to provide Google web and site search to their visitors, and to earn money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Google Offers SMBs a Ride in Its Mini

By Lauren Simonds April 6, 2005

Does it ever seem like it's easier to search the Internet to compare the migratory patterns of the African and European sparrow than it is to find last month's sales projections on your company's network? If you're searching the Internet with Google, you're probably right. But what if you could harness Google's search technology for your business?
That's the idea behind the
Google Mini — a hardware and software appliance designed to let SMBs add Google search to their company networks and Web sites.
The Google Mini reflects the company's mission statement — organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful — on a somewhat smaller scale.
According to Matt Glotzbach, a Google product manager, the amount of data that companies accumulate is astounding. "We want to help companies make their information accessible. Right now, employees spend too much time looking for — and not finding — the right data. And all too often, they end up making bad, or poorly informed, decisions."
The Google Mini, which launched in January, indexes and searches up to 50,000 documents and sells for $4,995. Today however, in a surprising and welcomed move, the company announced that it's doubling the Mini's index and document capability to 100,000 documents and cutting the price to $2,995.
Make It Search Like GoogleThe Mini, a 1U rack-mountable box, plugs into a standard power outlet and into a network Ethernet port. Then, it's a matter of configuring the device — directing it to the company intranet or Web site you want to index.
Once it's up and running, you'll be able to search across all of your company's documents and Web sites in a way that's familiar to anyone who's ever used Google — the interface and functionality are the same.
The Mini can index over 220 file formats including HTML, PDF and Microsoft Office. There are, of course, limits to the document size, but they're generous: the Mini indexes the first 2.5MB of any HTML document and the first 30MB of binary files, such as Word or PDF.
If you want to see how it all works, you can learn more with book
. Google Mini

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